
我們教會的正式名稱為香港家城市福音中心,英文「Hongkongers City Gospel Centre」,名字起源於二零一九年香港所經歷的政治風波。當時香港政府推動修訂「逃犯條例」,香港大量市民反對,及後而衍生一連串的街頭示威及政治運動。世界各地新聞報導有關事件,當中英國傳媒稱「香港人」為「Hongkongers」,自始Hongkongers一詞便流行起來。本會將Hongkongers翻譯為「香港家」,原意是香港人移民到英國重新建立家園,以此為家,也盼望香港人也能以我們教會為屬靈的家,將福音帶給每位來英國定居的香港人及弟兄姊妹。


羅達明牧師於一九九三年從香港移民英國,畢業於伯明翰大學皇后神學院。於一九九六年出任伯明翰福音中心─ (九七居英權移民計劃)總幹事,負責幫助香港移民適應英國的生活,協助伯明翰中華福音教會建堂及牧養弟兄姊妹。也曾於伯明翰,倫敦、曼城及香港舉行新移民適應講座。一九九九年出任倫敦聖馬田堂新移民計劃總幹事,並於二零零零年出任倫敦循道衛理會英皇十字架堂新移民計劃(福勞)總幹事,發展了新的國語堂,服侍國內來的新移民。羅牧師於二零零一年獲委任內政部移民中心院牧,專責服侍移民事宜,並於二零一四年在杜倫市開拓了一所新的教會。

鑑於香港社會二零一九年的抗爭活動及政治環境,英國政府宣佈BNO(British National Overseas) 護照持有人及家庭成員可申請簽證來英居留。在未公布有關安排前,羅牧師早已於二零二零年八月在YouTube發佈一系列共廿八輯的影片供香港人收看, 主題為【BNO移民英國的祝福】 。二零二二年羅牧師眼見香港新移民驟增,於二月份在伯明翰舉行為期三個週末的新移民適應講座(網上及實體)。他蒙呼召繼續服侍新移民,並於二零二二年年十月出任香港家城市福音中心義務總幹事,於2023年二月五日開始香港粵語崇拜,牧養信徒及傳福音給未信的朋友,個人累積服侍三代華人移民及拓展堂會的經驗,願意「非役與人、乃役於人」的精神,繼續謙卑服侍有需要的新移民。






回顧基督教來華超過百年的歷史,早期的宣教士,很多均以服務來傳福音為主調,興辦大學,廣建醫院,照顧孤兒,造福社群,「福音」才能得以有效傳開。香港的名校多有基督教背景,凡此總總,都需要以服侍為本,繼而將服侍與傳福音結合,這便能相附相成,就好比兩雙腿走路或是筷子一雙。在香港,基督教會提供社會服務例子凡多,不能盡錄。現時環顧在英國的華人基督教會提供社群服務者不多,我們提供多元化的服務,主旨只有一個:就是見證基督,以愛心來服侍人群,回應主耶穌頒布的大使命,傳福音給萬民 – 歷代由服務帶動成立教會便是全備福音的模式和榜樣。另外,香港BNO族群如何安居落業,也是我們服侍的目的,無論你是基督徒或是非信徒,我們總會歡迎你們加入我們的大家庭。在此感謝你們耐心地閱讀此文,願神賜福你們。阿們。

Introduction to the Hongkongers City Gospel Centre

Origin of the name

The official name of our church “Hongkongers City Gospel Centre” originated from the revision of the “Extradition Law Amendment Bill” in Hong Kong in 2019, which led to the opposition from citizens and street demonstrations. News from all over the world reported the movement and the British media referred to Hong Kong people as “Hongkongers”. “Hongkongers” has therefore become a widespread buzzword.

In Chinese, the church names itself “Hong Kong Home” with the initial idea of relocation and resettlement of Hong Kong people on the land. We want to settle down on the land build our home here. It also reveals our vision of being a spiritual shelter and bring the Gospel to all Hongkongers and Christians who come to the UK.

Pastor’s Background and His Work on Serving New Immigrants

Pastor Rev Law immigrated to the UK from Hong Kong in 1993 and graduated from Queen’s Theological College, University of Birmingham. In 1996, he served as the General Secretary of the Birmingham Evangelical Center during the implementation of the British Nationality Selection Scheme in 1997. He was responsible for helping immigrants from Hong Kong to adapt to their lives in the UK, and assisting the Birmingham Chinese Evangelical Church in building churches and working on pastoral chaplaincy. Seminars on the adaptation of new immigrants have also been held in Birmingham, London, Manchester and Hong Kong. In 1999, he served as the General Secretary of the new immigrant plan launched by the St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London and became the General Secretary of the new immigrant plan (Benefits and Welfares) of the King’s Cross Methodist Church in London in 2000. He also set up a new Mandarin session for immigrants from China. In 2001, he was appointed pastor of the UKVI of the Home Office. In 2014, he started a new church in Durham. In regards of social movements happened in Hong Kong, the British government o granted an offer to all BNO (British National Overseas) passport holders and their family members to apply for visas to live in the UK.

Before the announcement of the visa allowance, Pastor Law has launched a series of seminars, Blessings to All BNO Migrators, with a total of 28 episodes on YouTube in August 2022 for all Hong Kong people. In the view of a surge of new immigrants in 2022, Pastor Law held seminars (online and physical)  on three consecutive weekends in February in Birmingham. Receiving calls for above, Pastor LAW continues his ministry and became the Volunteer General Secretary of the Hongkongers City Gospel Centre since October 2022 of the Gospel Center. He will start Cantonese worship session on February 5, 2023, pastoring believers and preaching the gospel to unbelievers. Well-experienced in serving Chinese immigrants and building churches, pastor LAW always work with his motto, “being a servant leader” and continue to do serve the new immigrants humbly.

From the Beginning and Our Vision

The Church was established to serve the surge immigrants from Hong Kong in regards of the out break of Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill movement and the establishment of the Hong Kong National Security Law. Birmingham, the second largest city in the United Kingdom, has also become one of the popular places for Hong Kong immigrants. According to the data analysis of our YouTubes video production [Blessings to All BNO Migrators], many immigrants come for their children’s education. According to the analysis released by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), immigrants who age over ten is more difficult to be part of the local community. This is why many parents come to the UK with their children with educational purpose. Children who have less political burden then their parents do can enjoy their study here.

On the other hand, the Vietnam War ended in 1975, and the second generation of Vietnamese are in the age of marriage and childbirth. Their children born here are just about the same age as the children of BNO immigrants. In addition, some of the asylum refugees set up nail salons that have sprung up in the UK in recent years. According to the policy of the Ministry of the Interior, if they have children here, it is easier to obtain a legal identity, and it is their priority to have a large number of children.

Our church is located in the center of Birmingham. There are Vietnamese children, children of new immigrants from Hong Kong, and second-generation children of immigrants from China, and most of them are around or below ten. They all receive education here and speak excellent English. I hope that these three groups of children will sit at a round table, no matter how high or low, no race, no distinction between you and me, and they will all become the children that please the Lord Jesus. Our center is located near Chinatown. Parents can come to Chinatown with their children in multiple stages to buy food and supplies. The services we provide for children gather them and preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to them. The main purpose of our establishment, just like the name of the church, of course, is to serve Hong Kong people. Based on our experience in serving new immigrants, we find that new immigrants have common concerns in daily life: clothing, food, housing, transportation and children Educational needs. We can help, so that new immigrants have the opportunity to experience the great love of Christ, we must seize this opportunity to preach the gospel and shepherd them.

Conclusion and Outlook

Looking back on the history of Christianity coming to China for more than a hundred years, many of the early missionaries focused on evangelism through service, building universities, building hospitals, caring for orphans, and benefiting the community. Only then can the “Gospel” be effectively spread. Most of the prestigious schools have a Christian background, and all of them need to be service-oriented, and then combine service with evangelism, which can complement each other, just like walking on two legs or a pair of chopsticks. There are so many social services provided that it is impossible to list them all. At present, there are not many Chinese Christian churches in the UK that provide community services. We provide diversified services with only one theme; to witness Christ, serve people with love, respond to the great commission issued by the Lord Jesus, and spread the gospel to all peoples. Service-driven church formation is the model and example of the Full Gospel. In addition, how the BNO community in Hong Kong can live and work is also the purpose of our service. Whether you are a Christian or a non-believer, we will always welcome you to join our big family. Thank you for your patience in reading this article, and may God bless you. Amen.